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  • Writer's pictureJeanette Johnson

How Do I Commission A Mural? Tips from a Mural Artist in Nebraska.

You've got a great big, boring, blank wall. How do you make it not so boring? What if it were not so blank? Enter moi! I have expanded my services to include indoor murals and outdoor murals. So, here I am, a Mural Artist in Nebraska. And I'm always looking for a way to punch up a space - whether it's a personal project, a corporate space, or a place to hang around town - there's one solution that is always a good idea. Murals!

Step By Step Process for Commissioning A Mural. 

Step 1: Measure your space and take note of the surface.

Gathering precise measurements for your mural is a must. This helps me decide the design, number of colors, and amount of detail. Most importantly, measurements help me establish my expenses, time, and fees so I can give you a fair and accurate estimate.

Step 2: Establish a budget.

I encourage you to do your due diligence here and search the internet for pricing. Be sure to look at artists who are local to you because someone in Oregon will charge differently than someone in Nebraska. I have a formula for what I charge, which can vary from project to project. The same goes for most mural artists. Establishing a budget is also essential to help with the items I've indicated in Step 1 - colors, details, and design. While it's important to think big, it's also vital to be realistic in your expectations. Truth bomb coming in: You're probably not going to get a 10'x10' mural for less than $1,000-$1,500. That estimate highly depends on the design, number of colors, and location of the mural (both in geographical terms and physical access). 

Step 3: Find An Artist Whose Work Resonates With You.

Find a muralist you love in your area and see their prices. For instance you could search for "Mural artists in Nebraska," or "Muralists near your town." Don't just pick a mural artist because they're in your budget. If you don't love their style or vision for your space, keep looking. You're investing in a space in which you should love and want to be. Don't settle for something you'll tire of in a few months or years.

Just for fun, here I am working on a mural at my home near Dodge, NE on a former milk parlor, assisted by two of my dogs, Walther and Sig.

Step 4: Prep the Space and Finalize The Design.

The fun begins once you've found an artist you love and established your budget! It is always helpful to present some examples of murals, designs, patterns, or images that inspire you. These examples will help your artist find the subject matter and colors that will fit the vibe you're trying to create. 

While the artist is designing, you'll need to prep the space. Consider the substrate to be painted: concrete, drywall, cinderblock, wood, or corrugated tin. Each of these needs to be cleaned, repaired, and primed before the artist starts work. Occasionally, muralists might include the surface prep in their estimate. But more often, the client is responsible for ensuring the surface is ready before the start of work. If you have questions about your surface, the artist should be able to guide you in the right direction. For more serious repairs and prepping, you can contact a local contractor for tips or to complete the repair work. 

Step 5: Set A Schedule And Let The Work Commence.

If you're trying to complete your mural by a particular date or event, it's important to communicate that with your artist. Your artist should have a relatively good idea of how long the work should take from start to finish so you can work backward from there. Communication with all parties involved is crucial for this process to work smoothly. 

"Been there, done that" note: If you're in a rush or items aren't being completed according to the established schedule, be prepared to pay extra for the extra hours the artist will have to adjust to make your deadline. 

Step 6: Enjoy!

Once your mural is completed and the artist has cleaned up, signed their name, and moved out of the space, all you have left to do is stage and enjoy! Think of how to utilize your new artwork advantageously for your business or neighborhood space. Create a hashtag campaign encouraging visitors to take pictures and tag them on social media. If the mural is in your home, have a party to celebrate the unveiling of your new, custom artwork. Rearrange your furniture to take advantage of this beautiful new view - imagine all of the chairs in your dining room facing the wall instead of your table – how avant-garde!

Are you ready to customize your space, punch up your walls, and invite new art into your life? Let's get started! Just submit the form on my contact page, and we'll brainstorm some great ideas!

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